Excel - ToggleButton idMsos

idMsos Description Long Description
_3DEffectsOnOffClassic 3-D On/Off 3-D On/Off
_3DExtrusionParallelClassic Parallel Parallel
_3DExtrusionPerspectiveClassic Perspective Perspective
_3DLightingDimClassic Dim Dim
_3DLightingFlatClassic Bright Bright
_3DLightingNormalClassic Normal Normal Lighting
_3DSurfaceMatteClassic Matte Matte
_3DSurfaceMetalClassic Metal Metal
_3DSurfacePlasticClassic Plastic Plastic
_3DSurfaceWireFrameClassic Wire Frame Wire Frame
AlignBottomExcel Bottom Align Bottom Align
AlignCenter Center Center
AlignJustify Justify Justify
AlignLeft Align Left Align Left
AlignMiddleExcel Middle Align Middle Align
AlignRight Align Right Align Right
AlignTopExcel Top Align Top Align
Bold Bold Bold
BorderBottom Bottom Border Toggle Bottom Border
BorderDrawGrid Draw Border Grid Draw Border Grid
BorderDrawLine Draw Border Draw Outside Border
BorderErase Erase Border Erase Border
BorderLeft Left Border Toggle Left Border
BorderRight Right Border Toggle Right Border
BorderTop Top Border Toggle Top Border
CalculationOptionsAutomatically Automatic Automatic
CalculationOptionsAutomaticallyExceptDataTables Automatic Except for Data Tables Automatic Except for Data Tables
CalculationOptionsManuallly Manual Manual
ClipArtInsert Clip Art... Clip Art...
ClosePath Close Path Close Path
CombineCharacters Yoko-Gumi Combine Characters
CornerVertex Corner Point Corner Point
DesignMode Design Mode Design Mode
EquationNormalText Normal Text Normal Text
FileCreateDocumentWorkspace Create Document Workspace Create Document Workspace
FileDocumentEncrypt Encrypt Document Encrypt Document
FileDocumentManagementInformation Document Management Information Document Management Information
FileMarkAsFinal Mark as Final Mark as Final
FilePermissionDoNotDistribute Restricted Access Restricted Access
FilePermissionUnrestricted Unrestricted Access Unrestricted Access
FileProperties Properties Properties
FileViewDigitalSignatures View Signatures View Signatures
Filter Filter Filter
HideRibbon Hide the Ribbon Hide the Ribbon
InkBallpointPen Pen Pen
InkEraser Stroke Eraser Eraser
InkFeltTipPen Felt Tip Pen Felt Tip Pen
InkHighlighter Highlighter Highlighter
Italic Italic Italic
Lock Lock Lock Cell
MacroRelativeReferences Use Relative References Use Relative References
MergeCenter Merge & Center Merge & Center
MinimizeRibbon Collapse the Ribbon Collapse the Ribbon (Ctrl+F1)
ObjectEditPoints Edit Points Edit Points
ObjectsSelect Select Objects Select Objects
OpenPath Open Path Open Path
ParagraphDistributed Distributed Distributed
PhoneticGuideFieldShow Show Phonetic Field Show or hide phonetic field
PictureBackgroundRemoval Remove Background Remove Background
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkBackground Mark Areas to Remove Mark Areas to Remove
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkDelete Delete Mark Delete Mark
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkForeground Mark Areas to Keep Mark Areas to Keep
PictureCrop Crop Crop
PictureSetTransparentColor Set Transparent Color Set Transparent Color
PivotChartFilterShow PivotChart Filter PivotChart Filter
PivotChartHideButtons Hide All Hide all pivot chart field buttons.
PivotChartShowAxisFieldButtons Show Axis Field Buttons Show Axis Field Buttons
PivotChartShowFieldButtons Field Buttons Field Buttons
PivotChartShowLegendFieldButtons Show Legend Field Buttons Show Legend Field Buttons
PivotChartShowReportFilterFieldButtons Show Report Filter Field Buttons Show Report Filter Field Buttons
PivotChartShowValueFieldButtons Show Value Field Buttons Show Value Field Buttons
PivotFieldListShowHide Field List Field List
PivotFieldListShowHideContextual Field List Field List
PivotPlusMinusButtonsShowHide +/- Buttons +/- Buttons
PivotPlusMinusFieldHeadersShowHide Field Headers Field Headers
PivotTableAutoCalculate Automatically Calculate Changes Automatically Calculate PivotTable with Changes
PivotTableEnableSelection Enable Selection Enable Selection
PivotTableEnableWhatIfAnalysis Enable What-If Analysis Enable What-If Analysis
PivotTableNonVisualTotals Include Filtered Items in Totals Include Filtered Items in Totals
PivotTableShowAs No Calculation No Calculation
PivotTableShowAsDifference Difference From... The Difference From
PivotTableShowAsIndex Index Show as Index
PivotTableShowAsPercentDifference % Difference From... Percent Difference From
PivotTableShowAsPercentOf % Of... Percent Of
PivotTableShowAsPercentOfColumn % of Column Total % of Column Total
PivotTableShowAsPercentOfParent % of Parent Total... Percent of Parent
PivotTableShowAsPercentOfParentColumn % of Parent Column Total Percent of Parent Column
PivotTableShowAsPercentOfParentRow % of Parent Row Total Percent of Parent Row Total
PivotTableShowAsPercentOfRow % of Row Total % of Row Total
PivotTableShowAsPercentOfTotal % of Grand Total % of Grand Total
PivotTableShowAsPercentRunningTotal % Running Total In... Running Percentage of Total In
PivotTableShowAsRangAscending Rank Smallest to Largest... Rank from Smallest to Largest
PivotTableShowAsRankDescending Rank Largest to Smallest... Rank from Largest to Smallest
PivotTableShowAsRunningTotal Running Total In... Running Total In
PivotTableSummarizeByAverage Average Average Values
PivotTableSummarizeByCount Count Count of Values
PivotTableSummarizeByMaximum Max Largest Value
PivotTableSummarizeByMinimum Min Smallest Value
PivotTableSummarizeByProduct Product Product of Values
PivotTableSummarizeBySum Sum Sum of Values
ResearchPane Research... Research...
ReviewProtectWorkbook Protect Workbook... Protect Workbook...
ReviewRestrictEditing Protect Workbook... Protect Workbook...
ReviewShowAllComments Show All Comments Show All Comments
ReviewShowInk Show Ink Show Ink
RightToLeftDocument Right-to-Left Document Right-to-left document
SelectionPane Selection Pane... Display the Selection Pane
SendCopySendToMailRecipient Mail Recipient Send to Mail Recipient
ShadowOnOrOffClassic Shadow On/Off Shadow On/Off
ShadowSemitransparentClassic Semitransparent Shadow Semitransparent Shadow
ShapeArc Arc Arc
ShapeConnectorStyleCurved Curved Connector Curved Connector
ShapeConnectorStyleElbow Elbow Connector Elbow Connector
ShapeConnectorStyleStraight Straight Connector Straight Connector
ShapeCurve Curve Curve
ShapeDownArrow Down Arrow Down Arrow
ShapeElbowConnector Elbow Connector Elbow Connector
ShapeElbowConnectorArrow Elbow Arrow Connector Elbow Arrow Connector
ShapeFreeform Freeform Freeform
ShapeIsoscelesTriangle Isosceles Triangle Isosceles Triangle
ShapeLeftBrace Left Brace Left Brace
ShapeOval Oval Oval
ShapeRectangle Rectangle Rectangle
ShapeRerouteConnectors Reroute Connectors Reroute Connectors
ShapeRightArrow Right Arrow Right Arrow
ShapeRightBrace Right Brace Right Brace
ShapeRoundedRectangle Rounded Rectangle Rounded Rectangle
ShapeRoundedRectangularCallout Rounded Rectangular Callout Rounded Rectangular Callout
ShapeScribble Scribble Scribble
ShapeStar 5-Point Star 5-Point Star
ShapeStraightConnector Straight Connector Straight Connector
ShapeStraightConnectorArrow Straight Arrow Connector Straight Arrow Connector
ShowFormulas Show Formulas Show Formulas
SlicerDataSourceOrder Sort Data Source Order Sort Data Source Order
SlicerSortDown Sort Largest to Smallest Sort Largest to Smallest
SlicerSortUp Sort Smallest to Largest Sort Smallest to Largest
SmartArtEditIn2D Edit in 2-D Edit in 2-D
SmartArtRecolorImages Recolor Pictures in SmartArt Graphic Recolor Pictures in SmartArt Graphic
SmartArtRightToLeft Right to Left Right to Left
SmartArtTextPane Text Pane Text Pane
SmoothVertex Smooth Point Smooth Point
SnapToGrid Snap to Grid Snap to Grid
SnapToShapes Snap to Shape Snap to Shape
SparklineConvertToColumn Column Convert to Column Sparkline
SparklineConvertToLine Line Convert to Line Sparkline
SparklineConvertToWinLoss Win/Loss Convert to Win/Loss Sparkline
SparklineCustomWeight Custom Weight... Sparkline Custom Weight
SpeakByColumns By Columns Speak Cells by Columns
SpeakByRows By Rows Speak Cells by Rows
SpeakOnEnter On Enter Speak Cells on Enter
StraightVertex Straight Point Straight Point
Strikethrough Strikethrough Strikethrough
TextBoxInsertExcel Text Box Text Box
TextBoxInsertHorizontal Horizontal Text Box Draw Horizontal Text Box
TextBoxInsertVertical Vertical Text Box Draw Vertical Text Box
TextDirectionContext Context Context
TextDirectionLeftToRight Left-to-Right Left-to-Right Text Direction
TextDirectionRightToLeft Right-to-Left Right-to-Left Text Direction
TextOrientationAngleClockwise Angle Clockwise Angle Clockwise
TextOrientationAngleCounterclockwise Angle Counterclockwise Angle Counterclockwise
TextOrientationRotateDown Rotate Text Down Rotate Text Down
TextOrientationRotateUp Rotate Text Up Rotate Text Up
TextOrientationVertical Vertical Text Vertical Text
Underline Underline Underline
UnderlineDouble Double Underline Double Underline
ViewDocumentActionsPane Document Actions Document Actions
ViewFullScreenView Full Screen Toggle Full Screen View
ViewGridlinesToggleExcel View Gridlines View Gridlines
ViewNormalViewExcel Normal Normal View
ViewPageBreakPreviewView Page Break Preview Page Break Preview
ViewPageLayoutView Page Layout Page Layout View
ViewSideBySide View Side by Side View Side by Side
WatchWindow Watch Window Watch Window
WindowSideBySideSynchronousScrolling Synchronous Scrolling Synchronous Scrolling
WindowSplitToggle Split Split
WrapText Wrap Text Wrap Text
XmlSource Source... Source...
ZoomPrintPreviewExcel Zoom Print Preview Zoom
ZoomToSelection Zoom to Selection Zoom to Selection