Word - Gallery idMsos

idMsos Description Long Description
_3DBevelPictureTopGallery Bevel Bevel Picture Effect
_3DDirectionGalleryClassic Direction Direction
_3DEffectColorPickerClassic 3-D Color 3-D Color
_3DEffectsGalleryClassic 3-D Effects 3-D Effects
_3DExtrusionDepthGalleryClassic Depth Depth
_3DLightingGalleryClassic Lighting Lighting
_3DRotationGallery 3-D Rotation 3-D Rotation
_3DSurfaceMaterialGalleryClassic Surface Surface
ArrowStyleGallery Arrows Arrows
AutoTextGallery AutoText AutoText
BevelShapeGallery Bevel Bevel
BevelTextGallery Bevel Bevel Text Effect
BibliographyGallery Bibliography Bibliography
BorderColorPicker Pen Color Pen Color
BordersSelectionGallery Borders Borders
BorderStylesGallery Border Styles Border Styles
BreaksGallery Breaks Insert Page and Section Breaks
BulletsGalleryWord Bullets Bullets
ChangeCaseGallery Change Case Change Case
ChartAxesGallery Axes Axes
ChartAxisTitlesGallery Axis Titles Axis Titles
ChartChangeDataLabelShapeGallery Change Data Label Shape Change Data Label Shape
ChartChangeDataLabelShapesGallery Change Data Label Shapes Change Data Label Shapes
ChartColorsGallery Change Colors Chart Quick Colors
ChartDataLabel Data Labels Data Labels
ChartDataTable Data Table Chart Data Table
ChartDepthAxis Depth Axis Depth Axis
ChartDepthAxisTitle Depth Axis Title Depth Axis Title
ChartDepthGridlines Depth Gridlines Depth Gridlines
ChartErrorBars Error Bars Error Bars
ChartFloor Chart Floor Chart Floor
ChartGridlinesGallery Gridlines Chart Gridlines
ChartLayoutGallery Quick Layout Quick Layout
ChartLegend Legend Legend
ChartLines Lines Lines
ChartPlotArea Plot Area Plot Area
ChartPrimaryHorizontalAxis Primary Horizontal Axis Primary Horizontal Axis
ChartPrimaryHorizontalAxisTitle Primary Horizontal Axis Title Primary Horizontal Axis Title
ChartPrimaryHorizontalGridlines Primary Horizontal Gridlines Primary Horizontal Gridlines
ChartPrimaryVerticalAxis Primary Vertical Axis Primary Vertical Axis
ChartPrimaryVerticalAxisTitle Primary Vertical Axis Title Primary Vertical Axis Title
ChartPrimaryVerticalGridlines Primary Vertical Gridlines Primary Vertical Gridlines
ChartSecondaryHorizontalAxis Secondary Horizontal Axis Secondary Horizontal Axis
ChartSecondaryHorizontalAxisTitle Secondary Horizontal Axis Title Secondary Horizontal Axis Title
ChartSecondaryHorizontalGridlines Secondary Horizontal Gridlines Secondary Horizontal Gridlines
ChartSecondaryVerticalAxis Secondary Vertical Axis Secondary Vertical Axis
ChartSecondaryVerticalAxisTitle Secondary Vertical Axis Title Secondary Vertical Axis Title
ChartSecondaryVerticalGridlines Secondary Vertical Gridlines Secondary Vertical Gridlines
ChartStylesGallery Quick Styles Chart Quick Styles
ChartTitle Chart Title Chart Title
ChartTrendline Trendline Trendline
ChartUpDownBars Up/Down Bars Up/Down Bars
ChartWall Chart Wall Chart Wall
CitationInsert Insert Citation Insert Citation
ControlsGalleryClassic Legacy Tools Legacy Tools
CoverPageInsertGallery Cover Page Add a Cover Page
CustomAutoTextGallery Custom AutoText Custom AutoText
CustomBibliographyGallery Custom Bibliography Custom Bibliography
CustomCoverPageGallery Custom Cover Page Custom Cover Page
CustomEquationsGallery Custom Equation Custom Equation
CustomFooterGallery Custom Footer Custom Footer
CustomGallery1 Custom Gallery 1 Custom Gallery 1
CustomGallery2 Custom Gallery 2 Custom Gallery 2
CustomGallery3 Custom Gallery 3 Custom Gallery 3
CustomGallery4 Custom Gallery 4 Custom Gallery 4
CustomGallery5 Custom Gallery 5 Custom Gallery 5
CustomHeaderGallery Custom Header Custom Header
CustomPageMargins Custom Page Margins Custom Page Margins
CustomPageNumberBottomGallery Custom Bottom of Page Custom Bottom of Page
CustomPageNumberGallery Custom Page Number Custom Page Number
CustomPageNumberTopGallery Custom Top of Page Custom Top of Page
CustomQuickPartsGallery Custom Quick Parts Custom Quick Parts
CustomTableOfContentsGallery Custom Table of Contents Custom Table of Contents
CustomTablesGallery Custom Tables Custom Tables
CustomTextBoxGallery Custom Text Box Custom Text Box
CustomWatermarkGallery Custom Watermark Custom Watermark
Drawing1ColorPickerFill Shape Fill Shape Fill
Drawing1ColorPickerFillWordArt Shape Fill WordArt Shape Fill
Drawing1ColorPickerLineStyles Picture Border Shape Outline
Drawing1ColorPickerLineStylesWordArt Picture Border WordArt Shape Outline
Drawing1GalleryBrightness Brightness Brightness
Drawing1GalleryContrast Contrast Contrast
Drawing1GalleryTextures Texture Texture
DropCapInsertGallery Drop Cap Add a Drop Cap
EquationAccentGallery Accent Accent
EquationDelimiterGallery Bracket Bracket
EquationFractionGallery Fraction Fraction
EquationFunctionGallery Function Function
EquationInsertGallery Equation Insert an Equation
EquationIntegralGallery Integral Integral
EquationLargeOperatorGallery Large Operator Large Operator
EquationLimitGallery Limit and Log Limit and Log
EquationMatrixGallery Matrix Matrix
EquationOperatorGallery Operator Operator
EquationOptionsGallery Math Options Math Options
EquationRadicalGallery Radical Radical
EquationScriptGallery Script Script
EquationSymbolsInsertGallery Equation Symbols Equation Symbols
FontColorPicker Font Color Font Color
FooterInsertGallery Footer Add a Footer
GalleryAllShapesAndCanvas Shapes Draw a Shape
GlowColorPicker More Glow Colors More Glow Colors
GradientGallery Gradient Gradient
HeaderInsertGallery Header Add a Header
InkColorPicker Color Ink Color
InsertBuildingBlocksEquationsGallery Equation Insert Equation
LigatureGalleryWord Ligatures Ligatures
LineSpacingGallery Line and Paragraph Spacing Line and Paragraph Spacing
LineThickness Thickness Thickness
ListLevelGallery Change List Level Change List Level
MultilevelListGallery Multilevel List Multilevel List
NumberingGalleryWord Numbering Numbering
NumberStyleGalleryWord Number Styles Number Styles
ObjectEffectGlowGallery Glow Glow
ObjectEffectPresetGallery Preset Preset
ObjectEffectShadowGallery Shadow Shadow
ObjectEffectSoftEdgesGallery Soft Edges Soft Edges
ObjectRotateGallery Rotate Rotate Objects
OfficeExtensionsGallery Apps for Office Insert an App
OutlineColorPicker Picture Border Picture Border
OutlineDashesGallery Dashes Dashes
OutlineWeightGallery Weight Outline Weight
PageColorPicker Page Color Page Color
PageMarginsGallery Margins Adjust Margins
PageNambersInFooterInsertGallery Bottom of Page Bottom of Page
PageNambersInMarginsInsertGallery Page Margins Page Margins
PageNumberFieldInsertGallery Current Position Current Position
PageNumbersInHeaderInsertGallery Top of Page Top of Page
PageOrientationGallery Orientation Change Page Orientation
PageSizeGallery Size Choose Page Size
ParagraphSpacing Paragraph Spacing Paragraph Spacing
PasteGallery Paste Paste
PasteGalleryMini Paste Options Paste Options
PensGallery Pens Pens
PictureArtisticEffectsGallery Artistic Effects Artistic Effects
PictureBorderColorPickerClassic Picture Border Picture Border
PictureBrightnessAndContrastGallery Brightness & Contrast... Brightness & Contrast...
PictureBrightnessGallery Brightness Brightness
PictureColorTempertatureGallery Color Tone Color Tone
PictureContrastGallery Contrast Contrast
PictureEffectsGlowGallery Glow Glow Picture Effect
PictureEffectsPresetGallery Preset Preset Picture Effects
PictureEffectsShadowGallery Shadow Shadow Picture Effect
PictureEffectsSoftEdgesGallery Soft Edges Picture Soft Edges
PicturePositionGallery Position Position Object
PictureRecolorGallery Recolor Recolor
PictureRecolorGalleryWord Recolor Recolor
PictureReflectionGallery Reflection Picture Reflection
PictureRotationGallery 3-D Rotation 3-D Picture Rotation
PictureSaturationGallery Color Saturation Color Saturation
PicturesConvertToSmartArt Picture Layout Convert to SmartArt Graphic
PictureShapeGallery Change Shape Crop to Shape
PictureSharpenSoftenGallery Sharpen & Soften Sharpen & Soften
PictureStylesGallery Quick Styles Picture Quick Styles
PropertyInsert Document Property Document Property
QuickPartsInsertGallery Quick Parts Explore Quick Parts
QuickStylesGallery Styles Styles
QuickStylesSets Style Set Style Set
QuickTablesInsertGallery Quick Tables Quick Tables
RecolorColorPicker More Variations More Variations
Redo Redo Redo
ReflectionGallery Reflection Reflection
ReviewShowSourceDocumentsMenu Show Source Documents Show Source Documents
ScreenshotInsertGallery Screenshot Take a Screenshot
ShadingColorPicker Shading Shading
ShadowColorPickerClassic Shadow Color Shadow Color
ShadowStyleGalleryClassic Shadow Effects Shadow Effects
ShapeChangeShapeGallery Change Shape Change Shape
ShapeFillColorPicker Shape Fill Shape Fill
ShapeFillGradientGalleryClassic Gradient Shape Fill Gradient
ShapeFillTextureGallery Texture Texture
ShapeOutlineColorPicker Picture Border Shape Outline
ShapesInsertGallery Shapes Shapes
ShapeStylesGallery Quick Styles Shape Quick Styles
ShapeStylesGalleryClassic Shape Styles Shape Styles
ShapeStylesOtherThemeFillsGallery Other Theme Fills Other Theme Fills
SmartArtChangeColorsGallery Change Colors Change Colors
SmartArtLayoutGallery Change Layout Change Layout
SmartArtStylesGallery Quick Styles SmartArt Quick Styles
StylisticSetsMenuWord Stylistic Sets Stylistic Sets
SymbolInsertGallery Symbol Insert a Symbol
TableColumnsGallery Columns Add or Remove Columns
TableInsertGallery Table Add a Table
TableOfContentsAddTextGallery Add Text Add Text
TableOfContentsGallery Table of Contents Table of Contents
TableStylesGalleryWord Table Styles Table Styles
TextAlignGallery Align Text Align Text
TextBoxInsertGallery Text Box Choose a Text Box
TextBoxPositionGallery Position Position
TextBoxStyleGallery Text Box Style Text Box Style
TextDirectionGallery Text Direction Text Direction
TextDirectionGalleryWord Text Direction Choose Text Direction
TextEffectGlowGallery Glow Make glowing remarks. Literally :-)
TextEffects3DRotationGallery 3-D Rotation 3-D Text Rotation
TextEffectsGallery Text Effects and Typography Text Effects and Typography
TextEffectShadowGallery Shadow Cast a shadow of your text on the page.
TextEffectTransformGallery Transform Transform
TextFillColorPicker Text Fill Text Fill
TextFillGradientGallery Gradient Make your text appear to fade from one color to another across the selection.
TextFillTextureGallery Texture Text Fill Texture
TextGlowColorPicker More Glow Colors More Text Glow Colors
TextHighlightColorPicker Text Highlight Color Text Highlight Color
TextOutlineColorPicker Text Outline Text Outline
TextOutlineColorPickerAlternate Text Outline Text Outline
TextOutlineDashesGallery Dashes Text Outline Dashes
TextOutlineWeightGallery Weight Text Outline Weight
TextReflectionGallery Reflection Add a cool reflection below your text.
TextStylesGallery Quick Styles WordArt Quick Styles
TextWrapGallery Wrap Text Wrap Text
ThemeColorsGallery Colors Theme Colors
ThemeEffectsGallery Effects Theme Effects
ThemeFontsGallery Fonts Theme Fonts
ThemesGallery Themes Themes
UnderlineColorPicker Underline Color Underline Color
UnderlineGallery Underline Underline
Undo Undo Undo
WatermarkGallery Watermark Watermark
WordArtChangeShapeGallery Change Shape Change WordArt Shape
WordArtInsertGallery WordArt Insert WordArt
WordArtInsertGalleryClassic WordArt WordArt
WordArtStylesGalleryClassic WordArt WordArt Styles