Control ID Editor

Control ID Editor

Each Ribbon Control / Ribbon Element has to have a unique ID in the Ribbon XML.

The Control ID Editor provides both, a customized denomination and ensures that any ID used on the Ribbon is unique.

In the field labeled

you may edit any denomination for the Ribbon Control.

The Control ID Editor assembles the new ID composed of a prefix for the control and the denomination. Prior you can store the new ID by clicking the button [OK] you have to check it. This can be done by using the button labeled

If the ID is unique on the ribbon the button [OK] will be unlocked. Otherwise you get a message that the ID is not unique.

The following prefixes for Control IDs are used in the RibbonCreator 2016:

  Last Updated: 23.09.2018 | © 2007-2018 IDBE Avenius, 2018