PowerPoint - Group idMsos

idMsos Description Long Description
GroupAddins Add-Ins Add-Ins
GroupAddInsCustomToolbars Custom Toolbars Custom Toolbars
GroupAddInsMenuCommands Menu Commands Menu Commands
GroupAddInsToolbarCommands Toolbar Commands Toolbar Commands
GroupAlignment Alignment Alignment
GroupAnimationCustom Advanced Animation Advanced Animation
GroupAnimationPreview Preview Preview Animations
GroupAnimations Animation Animation
GroupAnimationTiming Timing Timing
GroupArrange Arrange Arrange
GroupAudioBookmark Bookmarks Bookmarks
GroupAudioEditing Editing Editing
GroupAudioOptions Audio Options Audio Options
GroupAudioStyles Audio Styles Audio Styles
GroupAudioToolsAdjust Adjust Adjust
GroupBackground Background Background
GroupBackgroundRemovalClose Close Close
GroupBackgroundRemovalMode Refine Refine
GroupBroadcastBroadcast Present Online Present Online
GroupBroadcastResume Start Slide Show Start Slide Show
GroupCDAudioSetup Set Up Set Up
GroupChartAnalysis Analysis Analysis
GroupChartAxes Axes Axes
GroupChartBackground Background Chart Background
GroupChartCurrentSelection Current Selection Current Selection
GroupChartData Data Data
GroupChartLabels Labels Labels
GroupChartLayouts Chart Layouts Chart Layouts
GroupChartShapes Insert Insert in Chart
GroupChartStyles Chart Styles Chart Styles
GroupChartType Type Type
GroupChineseTranslation Chinese Conversion Chinese Conversion
GroupClipboard Clipboard Clipboard
GroupCode Code Code
GroupColorGrayscale Color/Grayscale Color/Grayscale
GroupColorModeClose Close Close Color Mode
GroupColorModeSetting Change Selected Object Change Selected Object
GroupComments Comments Comments
GroupControls Controls Controls
GroupCustomizeThemeOptions Customize Customize
GroupDiagramming Ink Art Ink Art
GroupDrawBorders Draw Borders Draw Borders
GroupDrawing Drawing Drawing
GroupEditing Editing Editing
GroupEquationStructures Structures Structures
GroupEquationSymbols Symbols Symbols
GroupEquationTools Tools Equation Tools
GroupFont Font Font
GroupImages Images Images
GroupInk Ink Ink
GroupInkClose Close Close Ink Tools
GroupInkFormat Format Format
GroupInkPens Pens Pens
GroupInkSelect Select Select
GroupInsertBarcode Barcode Barcode
GroupInsertComments Comments Comments
GroupInsertIllustrations Illustrations Illustrations
GroupInsertLinks Links Links
GroupInsertMediaClips Media Media
GroupInsertSymbols Symbols Symbols
GroupInsertTables Tables Tables
GroupInsertText Text Text
GroupLanguage Language Language
GroupMacros Macros Macros
GroupMasterClose Close Close Master
GroupMasterEdit Edit Master Edit Master
GroupMasterEditTheme Edit Theme Edit Theme
GroupMasterLayout Master Layout Master Layout
GroupMasterSlides Slides Slides
GroupMasterViews Master Views Master Views
GroupMediaPreview Preview Preview
GroupMerge Merge Merge
GroupMergeViewClose Close Merge View Close Merge View
GroupModify Modify Modify
GroupMonitors Monitors Monitors
GroupMovieOptions Video Options Video Options
GroupPageSetupHandoutMaster Page Setup Handout Master Page Setup
GroupPageSetupNotesMaster Page Setup Notes Master Page Setup
GroupParagraph Paragraph Paragraph
GroupPens Pens Pens
GroupPensWrite Write Write
GroupPermission Protect Protect
GroupPictureSize Size Picture Size
GroupPictureStyles Picture Styles Picture Styles
GroupPictureTools Adjust Adjust
GroupPlaceholdersHandoutMaster Placeholders Handout Master Placeholders
GroupPlaceholdersNotesMaster Placeholders Notes Master Placeholders
GroupPlay Play Play
GroupPresentationViews Presentation Views Presentation Views
GroupPreview Preview Preview Animations
GroupPreviewTransitions Preview Preview Transitions
GroupPrintPreviewPageSetup Page Setup Print Preview Page Setup
GroupPrintPreviewPreview Preview Preview
GroupPrintPreviewPrint Print Print
GroupProofing Proofing Proofing
GroupResolutions Resolutions Resolutions
GroupReviewCompare Compare Compare
GroupShapes Insert Shapes Insert Shapes
GroupShapesChart Insert Shapes Insert Shapes
GroupShapeStyles Shape Styles Shape Styles
GroupShowHideChanges Show/Hide Show/Hide
GroupSize Size Size
GroupSlides Slides Slides
GroupSlides2 Slides Slides
GroupSlideShowSetup Set Up Slide Show Setup
GroupSlideShowStart Start Slide Show Start Slide Show
GroupSlideSize Size Size
GroupSlideThemes Themes Themes
GroupSmartArtCreateGraphic Create Graphic Create Graphic
GroupSmartArtLayouts Layouts Layouts
GroupSmartArtQuickStyles SmartArt Styles SmartArt Quick Styles
GroupSmartArtReset Reset Reset SmartArt Graphics
GroupSmartArtShapes Shapes Shapes
GroupSmartArtSize Size SmartArt Size
GroupSoundOptions Audio Options Audio Options
GroupTable Table Table
GroupTableCellSize Cell Size Cell Size
GroupTableRowsAndColumns Rows & Columns Rows & Columns
GroupTableSize Table Size Table Size
GroupTableStyleOptionsPowerPoint Table Style Options Table Style Options
GroupTableStylesPowerPoint Table Styles Table Styles
GroupTextStylesTable WordArt Styles Table WordArt Text Styles
GroupThemeVariants Variants Variants
GroupTransitionStyles Timing Timing
GroupTransitionToThisSlide Transition to This Slide Transition to This Slide
GroupVideoBookmark Bookmarks Bookmarks
GroupVideoEditing Editing Editing
GroupVideoOptions Video Options Video Options
GroupVideoSize Size Video Size
GroupVideoStyles Video Styles Video Styles
GroupVideoToolsAdjust Adjust Adjust
GroupViewDirection Direction Direction
GroupViewShowHide Show Show
GroupWindow Window Window
GroupWordArtStyles WordArt Styles WordArt Text Styles
GroupZoom Zoom Zoom