PowerPoint - Button idMsos

idMsos Description Long Description
_3DBevelOptionsDialog 3-D Options... More 3-D Bevel Options...
_3DRotationOptionsDialog 3-D Rotation Options... More 3-D Rotation Options...
About About About
AccessibilityChecker Check Accessibility Check Accessibility
ActionInsert Action Action
ActiveXButton Command Button Command Button (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXCheckBox Check Box Check Box (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXComboBox Combo Box Combo Box (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXImage Image Image (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXLabel Label Label (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXListBox List Box List Box (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXRadioButton Option Button Option Button (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXScrollBar Scroll Bar Scroll Bar (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXSpinButton Spin Button Spin Button (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXTextBox Text Box Text Box (ActiveX Control)
ActiveXToggleButton Toggle Button Toggle Button (ActiveX Control)
AddHorizontalGuide Add Horizontal Guide Add Horizontal Guide
AddInManager Add-Ins... Add-Ins...
AddNode Add Point Add Point
AddVerticalGuide Add Vertical Guide Add Vertical Guide
AdvancedFileProperties View Document Properties... Advanced Document Properties
AdvertisePublishAs Find add-ins for other file formats Find add-ins for other file formats
AlignDistributeHorizontally Distribute Horizontally Distribute Horizontally
AlignDistributeVertically Distribute Vertically Distribute Vertically
AlternativeText Size and Position... Alt Text...
AnimationCustomActionVerbDialog OLE Action Verbs... Show OLE Action Verbs (Animation)
AnimationCustomAddActionVerbDialog OLE Action Verbs... Show OLE Action Verbs (Advanced Animation)
AnimationCustomAddEmphasisDialog More Emphasis Effects... Show More Emphasis Effects (Advanced Animation)
AnimationCustomAddEntranceDialog More Entrance Effects... Show More Entrance Effects (Advanced Animation)
AnimationCustomAddExitDialog More Exit Effects... Show More Exit Effects (Advanced Animation)
AnimationCustomAddPathDialog More Motion Paths... Show More Motion Paths (Advanced Animation)
AnimationCustomEmphasisDialog More Emphasis Effects... Show More Emphasis Effects (Animation)
AnimationCustomEntranceDialog More Entrance Effects... Show More Entrance Effects (Animation)
AnimationCustomExitDialog More Exit Effects... Show More Exit Effects (Animation)
AnimationCustomPathDialog More Motion Paths... Show More Motion Paths (Animation)
AnimationMoveEarlier Move Earlier Move Earlier
AnimationMoveLater Move Later Move Later
AnimationPreview Preview Preview Animations
ApplicationOptionsDialog Options Options
ArrowsMore More Arrows... More Arrows...
ArtisticEffectsDialog Artistic Effects Options... Artistic Effects Options
AudioBookmarkAdd Add Bookmark Add Bookmark
AudioBookmarkRemove Remove Bookmark Remove Bookmark
AudioInsert Audio on My PC... Insert Audio
AudioToolsTrim Trim Audio... Trim Audio...
AutoCorrect AutoCorrect Options... AutoCorrect Options...
BackgroundRemovalClose Discard All Changes Close Background Removal and Discard Changes
BarcodeInsert Barcode Barcode
BaselineLower Lower Baseline Lower Baseline
BaselineRaise Raise Baseline Raise Baseline
BookshelfDefine Define Define
BordersShadingDialog Borders and Shading... Borders and Shading...
BrightnessLess Less Brightness Less Brightness
BrightnessMore More Brightness More Brightness
BroadcastEnd End Online Presentation End Online Presentation
BroadcastFromBeginning From Beginning Present Slide Show Online from Beginning
BroadcastFromCurrent From Current Slide Present Slide Show Online from Current Slide
BroadcastNotes Share Meeting Notes Share Meeting Notes
BroadcastResume Resume Online Presentation Resume Online Presentation
BroadcastSendInvitation Send Invitations Send Invitations
BroadcastSlideShow Present Online Present Online
BroadcastSlideShowBackstage Present Online Present Online
BroadcastSlideShowGeneric More Services... More Services...
BroadcastSlideShowLync Microsoft Lync Microsoft Lync
BroadcastSlideShowOfficeHosted Office Presentation Service Office Presentation Service
BulletsAndNumberingBulletsDialog Bullets and Numbering... Bullets and Numbering...
BulletsAndNumberingNumberingDialog Bullets and Numbering... Numbering Settings...
CDAudioPlayTrack Play CD Audio Track... Play CD Audio Track...
ChangeCaseToggle Toggle Case Toggle Case
CharacterFormattingReset Reset Character Formatting Reset Character Formatting
Chart3DView 3-D Rotation... 3-D Rotation...
ChartAddAxis Add Axis Add Axis
ChartAxesOptionsDialog More Axis Options... More Axis Options...
ChartAxesTitlesOptionsDialog More Axis Title Options... More Axis Title Options...
ChartCalloutDataLabelAdd Add Data Callout Add Data Callout
ChartCalloutDataLabelsAdd Add Data Callouts Add Data Callouts
ChartChangeType Change Chart Type... Change Chart Type...
ChartDataLabelAdd Add Data Label Add Data Label
ChartDataLabelDialog More Data Label Options... More Data Label Options...
ChartDataLabelsAdd Add Data Labels Add Data Labels
ChartDataTableOptionsDialog More Data Table Options... More Data Table Options...
ChartDelete Delete Delete
ChartDeleteSeries Delete Series Delete Series
ChartDepthAxisOptionsDialog More Depth Axis Options... More Depth Axis Options...
ChartDepthAxisTitleOptionsDialog More Depth Axis Title Options... More Depth Axis Title Options...
ChartDepthGridlinesOptionsDialog More Depth Gridlines Options... More Depth Gridlines Options...
ChartEditDataSource Select Data... Select Data...
ChartEditText Edit Text Edit Text
ChartErrorBarsOptionsDialog More Error Bars Options... More Error Bars Options...
ChartExitEditText Exit Edit Text Exit Edit Text
ChartFloorOptionsDialog More Floor Options... More Floor Options...
ChartFormatAxis Format Axis... Format Axis...
ChartFormatAxisAndSelect Format Axis... Format Axis...
ChartFormatAxisTitle Format Axis Title... Format Axis Title...
ChartFormatBackWall Format Back Wall... Format Back Wall...
ChartFormatChartArea Format Chart Area... Format Chart Area...
ChartFormatChartTitle Format Chart Title... Format Chart Title...
ChartFormatDataLabel Format Data Label... Format Data Label...
ChartFormatDataLabelAndSelect Format Data Label... Format Data Label...
ChartFormatDataLabels Format Data Labels... Format Data Labels...
ChartFormatDataLabelsAndSelect Format Data Labels... Format Data Labels...
ChartFormatDataPoint Format Data Point... Format Data Point...
ChartFormatDataPointAndSelect Format Data Point... Format Data Point...
ChartFormatDataSeries Format Data Series... Format Data Series...
ChartFormatDataSeriesAndSelect Format Data Series... Format Data Series...
ChartFormatDataTable Format Data Table... Format Data Table...
ChartFormatDisplayUnit Format Display Unit... Format Display Unit...
ChartFormatDownBars Format Down Bars... Format Down Bars...
ChartFormatDropLines Format Drop Lines... Format Drop Lines...
ChartFormatErrorBars Format Error Bars... Format Error Bars...
ChartFormatFloor Format Floor... Format Floor...
ChartFormatGridlines Format Gridlines... Format Gridlines...
ChartFormatHighLowLine Format High-Low Lines... Format High-Low Lines...
ChartFormatLeaderLines Format Leader Lines... Format Leader Lines...
ChartFormatLegend Format Legend... Format Legend...
ChartFormatLegendEntry Format Legend Entry... Format Legend Entry...
ChartFormatMajorGridlinesAndSelect Format Major Gridlines... Format Major Gridlines...
ChartFormatMinorGridlinesAndSelect Format Minor Gridlines... Format Minor Gridlines...
ChartFormatPlotArea Format Plot Area... Format Plot Area...
ChartFormatSelection Format Selection Format Selection
ChartFormatSeriesLine Format Series Lines... Format Series Lines...
ChartFormatSideWall Format Side Wall... Format Side Wall...
ChartFormatTrendline Format Trendline... Format Trendline...
ChartFormatTrendlineAndSelect Format Trendline... Format Trendline...
ChartFormatTrendlineLabel Format Trendline Label... Format Trendline Label...
ChartFormatUpBars Format Up Bars... Format Up Bars...
ChartFormatWalls Format Walls... Format Walls...
ChartGridlineOptionsDialog More Gridline Options... More Gridline Options...
ChartInsert Chart... Add a Chart
ChartInsertDataField Insert Data Label Field Insert Data Label Field
ChartLegendOptionsDialogDialog More Legend Options... More Legend Options...
ChartMajorGridlinesAdd Add Major Gridlines Add Major Gridlines
ChartMinorGridlinesAdd Add Minor Gridlines Add Minor Gridlines
ChartPlotAreaOptionsDialog More Plot Area Options... More Plot Area Options...
ChartPrimaryHorizontalAxisOptionsDialog More Primary Horizontal Axis Options... More Primary Horizontal Axis Options...
ChartPrimaryHorizontalAxisTitleOptionsDialog More Primary Horizontal Axis Title Options... More Primary Horizontal Axis Title Options...
ChartPrimaryHorizontalGridlinesOptionsDialog More Primary Horizontal Gridlines Options... More Primary Horizontal Gridlines Options...
ChartPrimaryVerticalAxisOptionsDialog More Primary Vertical Axis Options... More Primary Vertical Axis Options...
ChartPrimaryVerticalAxisTitleOptionsDialog More Primary Vertical Axis Title Options... More Primary Vertical Axis Title Options...
ChartPrimaryVerticalGridlinesOptionsDialog More Primary Vertical Gridlines Options... More Primary Vertical Gridlines Options...
ChartRefresh Refresh Data Refresh Data
ChartResetToMatchStyle Reset to Match Style Reset to Match Style
ChartSaveTemplates Save as Template... Save as Template...
ChartSecondaryHorizontalAxisOption More Secondary Horizontal Axis Options... More Secondary Horizontal Axis Options...
ChartSecondaryHorizontalAxisTitleOptionsDialog More Secondary Horizontal Axis Title Options... More Secondary Horizontal Axis Title Options...
ChartSecondaryHorizontalGridlinesOptionsDialog More Secondary Horizontal Gridlines Options... More Secondary Horizontal Gridlines Options...
ChartSecondaryVerticalAxisOptionsDialog More Secondary Vertical Axis Options... More Secondary Vertical Axis Options...
ChartSecondaryVerticalAxisTitleOptionsDialog More Secondary Vertical Axis Title Options... More Secondary Vertical Axis Title Options...
ChartSecondaryVerticalGridlinesOptionsDialog More Secondary Vertical Gridlines Options... More Secondary Vertical Gridlines Options...
ChartSeriesTypeChange Change Series Chart Type... Change Series Chart Type...
ChartShowData Edit Data... Edit Data...
ChartShowDataContextualMenu Edit Data in Excel 2013 Edit Data in Excel 2013
ChartShowDataGrid Edit Data Edit Data
ChartSourceDataContextualMenu Select Data... Select Data...
ChartSwitchRowColumn Switch Row/Column Switch Row/Column
ChartTitleOptionsDialog More Title Options... More Title Options...
ChartTrendlineAdd Add Trendline... Add Trendline...
ChartTrendlineOptionsDialog More Trendline Options... More Trendline Options...
ChartUpDownBarsOptionsDialog More Up/Down Bars Options... More Up/Down Bars Options...
ChartWallOptionsDialog More Walls Options... More Walls Options...
CheckForUpdates Check for Updates Check for Updates
ChineseTranslationDialog Convert with Options... Convert with Options...
Clear Clear Clear
ClearFormatting Clear Formatting Clear All Formatting
ClipArtInsertDialog Online Pictures... Online Pictures...
CollapseAll Collapse All Collapse All
ComAddInsDialog COM Add-Ins... COM Add-Ins...
ContactUs Contact Us... Contact Us...
ContrastLess Less Contrast Less Contrast
ContrastMore More Contrast More Contrast
ControlProperties Properties Control Properties
ConvertToSmartArtMoreSmartArtGraphicsDialog More SmartArt Graphics... More SmartArt Graphics...
Copy Copy Copy
CreateHandoutsInWord Create Handouts in Microsoft Word Create Handouts in Microsoft Word
CustomSlideSize Custom Slide Size... Custom Slide Size...
Cut Cut Cut
DateAndTimeInsert Date & Time... Date & Time...
DeleteNode Delete Point Delete Point
DeleteSegment Delete Segment Delete Segment
DeleteSlideContextual Delete Slide Delete Slide
DocumentPanelTemplate Document Panel Document Panel
DrawingCanvasExpand Expand Expand Drawing
DrawingCanvasFit Fit Fit Drawing to Contents
DrawingCanvasResize Resize Resize Drawing
DrawingCanvasScale Scale Drawing Scale Drawing
DuplicateSelectedSlides Duplicate Slide Duplicate Slide
EquationInsertNew Insert New Equation Insert New Equation
EquationLinearFormat Linear Linear
EquationProfessional Professional Professional
ExcelSpreadsheetInsert Excel Spreadsheet Excel Spreadsheet
ExchangeFolder Exchange Folder... Send to Exchange Folder
ExitEditCurve Exit Edit Point Exit Edit Point
ExportToVideo Create a Video Create a Video
EyedropperFill Eyedropper Eyedropper Fill
EyedropperFillText Eyedropper Eyedropper Text Fill
EyedropperGlow Eyedropper Eyedropper Glow
EyedropperGlowText Eyedropper Eyedropper Text Glow
EyedropperOutline Eyedropper Eyedropper Outline
EyedropperOutlineText Eyedropper Eyedropper Text Outline
EyedropperRecolor Eyedropper Eyedropper Recolor
FifthCorrectionAlternative (No Suggestion) (No Suggestion)
FileAddDigitalSignature Add a Digital Signature Add a Digital Signature
FileCheckIn Check In Check In
FileCheckOut Check Out Check Out
FileCheckOutDiscard Discard Check Out Discard Check Out
FileClose Close Close
FileCompatibilityCheckerPowerPoint Check Compatibility Check Compatibility
FileDiscardCachedChanges Discard Changes Discard Changes
FileDocumentInspect Inspect Document Inspect Document
FileEmailAsPdfEmailAttachment E-mail as PDF Attachment E-mail as PDF Attachment
FileEmailAsXpsEmailAttachment E-mail as XPS Attachment E-mail as XPS Attachment
FileExit Exit Exit
FileInternetFax Internet Fax Internet Fax
FileLinksToFiles Edit Links to Files Edit Links to Files
FileNew New New...
FileNewDefault New New
FileOpen Open Open
FileOpenRecentFile Open Recent File... Open Recent File...
FileOpenUsingBackstage Open Open
FilePackageForCD Package Presentation for CD Package Presentation for CD
FilePermissionRestrictAs Manage Credentials Manage Credentials
FilePermissionView View Permission View Permission
FilePrint Print Print
FilePrintQuick Quick Print Quick Print
FilePublishSlides Publish Slides Publish Slides
FileSave Save Save
FileSaveACopy Save a Copy Save a Copy
FileSaveAs Save As Save As
FileSaveAsOtherFormats Save As Save As Other Formats
FileSaveAsPdfOrXps Publish as PDF or XPS Publish as PDF or XPS
FileSaveAsPowerPoint97_2003 PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation
FileSaveAsPowerPointOpenDocumentPresentation OpenDocument Presentation OpenDocument Presentation
FileSaveAsPowerPointPpsx PowerPoint Show PowerPoint Show
FileSaveAsPowerPointPptx PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Presentation
FileSaveToDocumentManagementServer Document Management Server Document Management Server
FileSendAsAttachment Email Email
FileStartWorkflow Workflows Workflows
FileVersionHistory View Version History View Version History
FileWorkflowTasks View Workflow Tasks View Workflow Tasks
FindDialog Find... Find...
FindNext Find Next Find Next
FirstCorrectionAlternative (No Suggestion) (No Suggestion)
FontColorMoreColorsDialogPowerPoint More Colors... More Colors...
FontDialog Font... Font...
FontSizeDecrease Decrease Font Size Decrease Font Size
FontSizeIncrease Increase Font Size Increase Font Size
FontsReplaceFonts Replace Fonts... Replace Fonts...
FourthCorrectionAlternative (No Suggestion) (No Suggestion)
GlowColorMoreColorsDialog More Colors... More Glow Colors...
GlowsMoreOptions Glow Options... Glow Options...
GoToProperty Go To... Go To...
GridSettings Grid Settings... Grid Settings...
GuideDelete Delete Delete
HangulHanjaConversionPowerPoint Hangul Hanja Conversion Hangul Hanja Conversion
HeaderFooterInsert Header & Footer... Header & Footer...
Help Help Help
HyperlinkCopy Copy Hyperlink Copy Hyperlink
HyperlinkEdit Edit Hyperlink... Edit Hyperlink...
HyperlinkInsert Hyperlink... Add a Hyperlink
HyperlinkInsertPowerPoint Hyperlink... Insert Hyperlink
HyperlinkOpen Open Hyperlink Open Hyperlink
HyperlinkRemove Remove Hyperlink Remove Hyperlink
ImeReconvert Reconvert Reconvert
IndentDecrease Decrease Indent Decrease List Level
IndentIncrease Increase Indent Increase List Level
InkColorMoreColorsDialog More Ink Colors... More Ink Colors...
InkCopyAsText Copy Ink As Text Copy Ink As Text
InkingStart Start Inking Start Inking
InkStopInkingReadingView Stop Inking Stop Inking
InkToolsClose Close Ink Tools Close Ink Tools
InsertMovieDialog Video... Insert Video
InsertNewComment Comment Insert Comment
InsertTab Tab Tab
KeepBackgroundRemoval Keep Changes Close Background Removal and Keep Changes
LabelInsert Label Label
LanguagePreferences Language Preferences... Language Preferences...
LaunchFormatBackground Format Background Format Background
LeaveReader Enable Editing Enable Editing
LineStylesDialog More Lines... More Lines...
LinkBreak Break Link Break Link
LinkChange Change Link Change Link
LinksUpdate Update Links Update Links
MacroPlay Macros View Macros
MacroSecurity Macro Security Macro Security
MakeSegmentCurved Curved Segment Curved Segment
MakeSegmentStraight Straight Segment Straight Segment
MasterViewClose Close Close Master View
MediaPlayPreview Play Preview Media
MediaUpgrade Upgrade Media Object Upgrade Media Object
MergeCells Merge Cells Merge Cells
MergeViewClose Close Merge View Close Merge View
MoreControlsDialog More Controls... More Controls
MoreCorrectionAlternatives More... More Correction Alternatives
MoreTextureOptions More Textures... Shape Texture Options
MovieFromClipOrganizerInsert Online Video... Online Video...
MovieFromFileInsert Video on My PC... Video on My PC...
MoviePlay Preview Preview Media
NextPane Next Pane Next Pane
NumberInsert Number... Insert Number
ObjectAddText Add Text Add Text
ObjectBorderOutlineColorMoreColorsDialog More Outline Colors... More Outline Colors...
ObjectBringForward Bring Forward Bring Forward
ObjectBringToFront Bring to Front Bring to Front
ObjectEditText Edit Text Edit Text
ObjectFillMoreColorsDialog More Fill Colors... More Shape Fill Colors...
ObjectFlipHorizontal Flip Horizontal Flip Horizontal
ObjectFlipVertical Flip Vertical Flip Vertical
ObjectFormatDialog Format Object... Format Shape
ObjectNudgeDown Down Nudge Down
ObjectNudgeLeft Left Nudge Left
ObjectNudgeRight Right Nudge Right
ObjectNudgeUp Up Nudge Up
ObjectPictureFill Picture... Picture Fill...
ObjectRotateFree Free Rotate Free Rotate
ObjectRotateLeft90 Rotate Left 90° Rotate Left 90°
ObjectRotateRight90 Rotate Right 90° Rotate Right 90°
ObjectRotationOptionsDialog More Rotation Options... More Rotation Options...
ObjectsAlignBottomSmart Align Bottom Align Objects Bottom
ObjectsAlignCenterHorizontalSmart Align Center Align Objects Center
ObjectsAlignLeftSmart Align Left Align Objects Left
ObjectsAlignMiddleVerticalSmart Align Middle Align Objects Middle
ObjectsAlignRightSmart Align Right Align Objects Right
ObjectsAlignTopSmart Align Top Align Objects Top
ObjectSaveAsPicture Save as Picture... Save as Picture...
ObjectSendBackward Send Backward Send Backward
ObjectSendToBack Send to Back Send to Back
ObjectSetShapeDefaults Set AutoShape Defaults Set AutoShape Defaults
ObjectsGroup Group Group
ObjectSizeAndPositionDialog Size and Position... Size and Position...
ObjectsMultiSelect Select Multiple Objects Select Multiple Objects
ObjectsRegroup Regroup Regroup
ObjectsUngroup Ungroup Ungroup
OleConvert Convert... Convert...
OleObjectctInsert Object... Object
OpenMeetingNotes Open Shared Meeting Notes Open Shared Meeting Notes
OutlineCollapse Collapse Collapse
OutlineDemote Demote Demote
OutlineExpand Expand Expand
OutlineExpandAll Expand All Expand All
OutlineMoveDown Move Down Move Down
OutlineMoveUp Move Up Move Up
OutlinePromote Promote Promote
OutlineThumbnailsShowHide Show Outline Show Outline
OutlookTaskCreate Create Microsoft Outlook Task Create Microsoft Outlook Task
PageNext Next Page Page Down
PagePrevious Previous Page Page Up
ParagraphDialog Paragraph... Paragraph Settings
ParagraphMoreColumnsDialog More Columns... More Columns...
Paste Paste Paste
PasteApplyStyle Apply Style Apply Style
PasteAsEmbedded Embed Paste by Embedding
PasteAsHyperlink Paste as Hyperlink Paste as Hyperlink
PasteAsPicture Picture Paste as Picture
PasteBitmap Paste as Bitmap Paste as Bitmap
PasteDestinationTheme Use Destination Theme Paste and Use Destination Theme
PasteDuplicate Duplicate Duplicate
PasteExcelChartDestinationTheme Use Destination Theme & Embed Workbook Paste Chart with Destination Theme and Embed Workbook
PasteExcelChartSourceFormatting Keep Source Formatting & Embed Workbook Paste Chart with Source Formatting and Embed Workbook
PasteExcelTableDestinationTableStyle Use Destination Styles Paste and Use Destination Table Styles
PasteExcelTableSourceFormatting Keep Source Formatting Paste and Keep Table Formatting
PasteGif Paste as GIF Paste as GIF
PasteInk Ink Paste Ink
PasteJpeg Paste as JPEG Paste as JPEG
PasteLinkedExcelChartDestinationTheme Use Destination Theme & Link Data Paste Chart with Destination Theme and Link Data
PasteLinkedExcelChartSourceFormatting Keep Source Formatting & Link Data Paste Chart with Source Formatting and Link Data
PastePng Paste as PNG Paste as PNG
PasteSourceFormatting Keep Source Formatting Paste and Keep Source Formatting
PasteSpecialDialog Paste Special... Paste Special...
PasteTextOnly Keep Text Only Paste and Keep Text Only
PenAddFavorite Add Current Pen to Favorite Pens Add Current Pen to Favorite Pens
PhotoAlbumEdit Photo Album... Photo Album...
PhotoAlbumInsert New Photo Album... New Photo Album...
PickUpStyle Pick Up Style Pick Up Style
PictureArtisticEffectsReset Reset Artistic Effects Reset Artistic Effects
PictureChange Change Picture... Change Picture...
PictureColorDialog Picture Color Options... Picture Color Options
PictureColorReset Reset Picture Color Reset Picture Color
PictureCorrectionsDialog Picture Corrections Options... Picture Corrections Options
PictureCorrectionsReset Reset Picture Corrections Reset Picture Corrections
PictureCropAspectRatio16To10 16:10 16:10
PictureCropAspectRatio16To9 16:9 16:9
PictureCropAspectRatio1To1 1:1 1:1
PictureCropAspectRatio2To3 2:3 2:3
PictureCropAspectRatio3To2 3:2 3:2
PictureCropAspectRatio3To4 3:4 3:4
PictureCropAspectRatio3To5 3:5 3:5
PictureCropAspectRatio4To3 4:3 4:3
PictureCropAspectRatio4To5 4:5 4:5
PictureCropAspectRatio5To3 5:3 5:3
PictureCropAspectRatio5To4 5:4 5:4
PictureEdit Edit Picture Edit Picture
PictureFillCrop Fill Fill
PictureFitCrop Fit Fit
PictureInsertFromFile Pictures... Pictures...
PictureInsertFromFilePowerPoint Pictures... Pictures...
PictureRecolorMoreColorsDialog More Colors... More Recolor Colors...
PictureReset Reset Picture Reset Picture
PictureResetAndSize Reset Picture & Size Reset Picture and Size
PicturesCompress Compress Pictures... Compress Pictures...
PlaybackTipPlay Speak Speak
PrintPreviewAndPrint Print Preview and Print Print Preview and Print
PrintPreviewClose Close Print Preview Close Print Preview
PropertySheet Property Sheet Property Sheet
QuickAccessToolbarCustomization Customize Quick Access Toolbar... Customize Quick Access Toolbar...
RecordNarration Start Recording from Beginning... Start Recording from Beginning...
RecordNarrationFromCurrentSlide Start Recording from Current Slide... Start Recording from Current Slide...
RedoOrRepeat Redo Redo
ReflectionsMoreOptions Reflection Options... Reflection Options...
ReopenFromServer Reopen Document Reopen Document
ReplaceDialog Replace... Replace...
ReviewCompareAndMerge Compare Compare
ReviewDeleteAllMarkupInPresentation Delete All Markup in the Presentation Delete All Markup in the Presentation
ReviewDeleteAllMarkupOnSlide Delete All Comments and Ink on This Slide Delete All Comments and Ink on This Slide
ReviewDeleteCommentPowerPoint Delete Delete Comment
ReviewEditComment Edit Comment Edit Comment
ReviewEndReviewPowerPoint End Review End Review
ReviewNewComment New Comment Insert a Comment
ReviewNextChange Next Next Change
ReviewNextCommentPowerPoint Next Next Comment
ReviewPresentationRevisionAccept Accept All Changes to the Presentation Accept All Changes to the Presentation
ReviewPresentationRevisionReject Reject All Changes to the Presentation Reject All Changes to the Presentation
ReviewPreviousChange Previous Previous Change
ReviewPreviousCommentPowerPoint Previous Previous Comment
ReviewRevisionAccept Accept Change Accept Change
ReviewRevisionReject Reject Change Reject Change
ReviewSlideRevisionAccept Accept All Changes to This Slide Accept All Changes to This Slide
ReviewSlideRevisionReject Reject All Changes to This Slide Reject All Changes to This Slide
RibbonCustomization Customize the Ribbon... Customize the Ribbon...
SaveAndReview Save and Review Save and Review
ScreenClipping Screen Clipping Screen Clipping
SecondCorrectionAlternative (No Suggestion) (No Suggestion)
SectionAdd Add Section Add Section
SectionCollapseAll Collapse All Collapse All
SectionDelete Remove Section & Slides Remove Section & Slides
SectionExpandAll Expand All Expand All
SectionMergeWithPrevious Remove Section Remove Section
SectionMoveDown Move Section Down Move Section Down
SectionMoveUp Move Section Up Move Section Up
SectionRemoveAll Remove All Sections Remove All Sections
SectionRename Rename Section Rename Section
SelectAll Select All Select All
SetLanguage Set Proofing Language... Set Proofing Language...
ShadowNudgeDownClassic Nudge Shadow Down Nudge Shadow Down
ShadowNudgeLeftClassic Nudge Shadow Left Nudge Shadow Left
ShadowNudgeRightClassic Nudge Shadow Right Nudge Shadow Right
ShadowNudgeUpClassic Nudge Shadow Up Nudge Shadow Up
ShadowOnOrOffClassic Shadow On/Off Shadow On/Off
ShadowOptionsDialog Shadow Options... Shadow Options...
ShapeConvertToFreeform Convert to Freeform Convert to Freeform
ShapeFillMoreGradientsDialog More Gradients... More Gradients...
ShapesCombine Combine Combine Shapes
ShapesFragment Fragment Fragment Shapes
ShapesIntersect Intersect Intersect Shapes
ShapesMoreShapes More AutoShapes More AutoShapes
ShapesSubtract Subtract Subtract Shapes
ShapesUnion Union Union Shapes
ShareNotesWithMeeting Share Notes with Meeting... Share Notes with Meeting...
SlideBackgroundFormatDialog Format Background... Format Background...
SlideBackgroundReset Reset Slide Background Reset Slide Background
SlideDelete Delete Delete Slide
SlideMasterChartPlaceholderInsert Chart Chart
SlideMasterClipArtPlaceholderInsert Online Image Online Image
SlideMasterContentPlaceholderInsert Content Content
SlideMasterDiagramPlaceholderInsert SmartArt SmartArt
SlideMasterInsertLayout Insert Layout Insert Layout
SlideMasterMasterLayout Slide Layout... Slide Layout...
SlideMasterMediaPlaceholderInsert Media Media
SlideMasterPicturePlaceholderInsert Picture Picture
SlideMasterRenameMaster Rename Master Rename Master
SlideMasterTablePlaceholderInsert Table Table
SlideMasterTextPlaceholderInsert Text Text
SlideMasterVerticalContentPlaceholderInsert Content (Vertical) Content (Vertical)
SlideMasterVerticalTextPlaceholderInsert Text (Vertical) Text (Vertical)
SlideNew New Slide Insert New Slide
SlideReset Reset Slide Reset Slide
SlidesFromOutline Slides from Outline... Slides from Outline...
SlideShowClearAllSlidesNarrations Clear Narrations on All Slides Clear Narrations on All Slides
SlideShowClearAllSlidesTimings Clear Timings on All Slides Clear Timings on All Slides
SlideShowClearCurrentSlideNarration Clear Narration on Current Slide Clear Narration on Current Slide
SlideShowClearCurrentSlideTiming Clear Timing on Current Slide Clear Timing on Current Slide
SlideShowCustom Custom Slide Show Custom Slide Show Dialog
SlideShowFromBeginning From Beginning Start From Beginning
SlideShowFromCurrent From Current Slide Start From This Slide
SlideShowInAWindow Slide Show in a Window Slide Show in a Window
SlideShowNextSlide Next Next Slide
SlideShowPreviousSlide Previous Previous Slide
SlideShowRehearseTimings Rehearse Timings Rehearse Timings
SlideShowResumeShow Resume Slide Show Resume Slide Show
SlideShowSetUpDialog Set Up Slide Show... Set Up Show
SlideTransitionApplyToAll Apply To All Apply To All
SmartArtAddAssistant Add Assistant Add Assistant
SmartArtAddBullet Add Bullet Add Bullet
SmartArtAddShape Add Shape Add Shape
SmartArtAddShapeAbove Add Shape Above Add Shape Above
SmartArtAddShapeAfter Add Shape After Add Shape After
SmartArtAddShapeBefore Add Shape Before Add Shape Before
SmartArtAddShapeBelow Add Shape Below Add Shape Below
SmartArtChangeLayout Change Layout... Change Layout...
SmartArtConvedrtToText Convert to Text Convert to Text
SmartArtConvertToShapes Convert to Shapes Convert to Shapes
SmartArtDemote Demote Demote Selection
SmartArtInsert SmartArt... Insert a SmartArt Graphic
SmartArtLargerShape Larger Larger
SmartArtMoreLayoutsDialog More Layouts... More Layouts...
SmartArtOrganizationChartBoth Both Both Hanging
SmartArtOrganizationChartLeftHanging Left Hanging Left Hanging
SmartArtOrganizationChartRightHanging Right Hanging Right Hanging
SmartArtOrganizationChartStandard Standard Standard
SmartArtPromote Promote Promote Selection
SmartArtReorderDown Move Down Move Selection Down
SmartArtReorderUp Move Up Move Selection Up
SmartArtResetGraphic Reset Graphic Reset Graphic
SmartArtResetShape Reset Shape Reset Shape
SmartArtSmallerShape Smaller Smaller
SmartTagOptions Options... Actions Options
SoftEdgesMoreOptions Soft Edges Options... Soft Edges Options...
SoundInsertFromClipOrganizer Online Audio... Online Audio...
SoundInsertFromFile Audio on My PC... Audio on My PC...
SoundRecord Record Audio... Record Audio...
Spelling Spelling... Spelling...
SplitCells Split Cells... Split Cells...
SymbolInsert Symbol... Symbol
TableBackgroundPictureFill Picture... Table Background Picture Fill...
TableBorderColorMoreColorsDialog More Border Colors... More Border Colors...
TableCellCustomMarginsDialog Custom Margins... Custom Margins...
TableColumnsDistribute Distribute Columns Distribute Columns
TableColumnSelect Select Column Select Column
TableDelete Delete Table Delete Entire Table
TableDeleteColumns Delete Columns Delete Columns
TableDeleteRows Delete Rows Delete Rows
TableFillColorMoreColorsDialog More Fill Colors... More Table Fill Colors...
TableInsert Insert Table... Insert Table...
TableInsertColumnsLeft Insert Left Insert Left
TableInsertColumnsRight Insert Right Insert Right
TableInsertDialog Table... Insert Table
TableInsertRowsAbove Insert Above Insert Above
TableInsertRowsBelow Insert Below Insert Below
TableRowsDistribute Distribute Rows Distribute Rows
TableRowSelect Select Row Select Row
TableSelect Select Table Select Table
TableStyleClearTable Clear Table Clear Table
TextAlignMoreOptionsDialog More Options... More Alignment Options...
TextDirectionMoreOptionsDialog More Options... More Options...
TextEditModeExit Exit Edit Text Exit Edit Text
TextEffects3DRotationOptionsDialog 3-D Rotation Options... More 3-D Text Rotation Options...
TextEffectsBevelMore3DOptionsDialog 3-D Options... More 3-D Text Edge Options...
TextEffectsGlowsMoreOptions Glow Options... Text Glow Options...
TextEffectsMoreShadowsDialog Shadow Options... Text Shadow Options...
TextEffectsReflectionsMoreOptions Reflection Options... Text Reflection Options...
TextFillColorMoreColorsDialog More Fill Colors... More Text Fill Colors...
TextFillMoreGradientsDialog More Gradients... More Text Fill Gradients...
TextFillMoreTextures More Textures... More Textures...
TextGlowColorMoreColorsDialog More Colors... More Text Glow Colors...
TextOutlineColorMoreColorsDialog More Outline Colors... More Text Outline Colors...
TextOutlineMoreLinesDialog More Lines... More Outline Styles...
TextPictureFill Picture... Text Picture Fill...
ThemeBrowseForThemesPowerPoint Browse for Themes... Browse for Themes...
ThemeColorsCreateNew Customize Colors... Customize Colors...
ThemeColorsReset Reset Slide Theme Colors Reset Slide Theme Colors
ThemeFontsCreateNew Customize Fonts... Customize Fonts...
ThemeSaveCurrentPowerPoint Save Current Theme... Save Current Theme...
ThemeSearchOfficeOnlinePowerPoint Enable Content Updates from Office.com... Enable Content Updates from Office.com...
Thesaurus Thesaurus... Thesaurus...
ThirdCorrectionAlternative (No Suggestion) (No Suggestion)
TransitionPreview Preview Preview Transitions
Translate Translate Translate
TranslateSelected Translate Translate Selected Text
TranslateToSimplifiedChinese Simplified Simplified
TranslateToTraditionalChinese Traditional Traditional
TranslationLanguageOptions Choose Translation Language... Choose Translation Language...
UpgradePresentation Convert Convert to an Office Open XML File Format
VideoBookmarkAdd Add Bookmark Add Bookmark
VideoBookmarkRemove Remove Bookmark Remove Bookmark
VideoColorDialog Picture Color Options... Video Color Options...
VideoCorrectionsDialog Picture Corrections Options... Video Corrections Options...
VideoDesignResetAndSize Reset Design & Size Reset Design and Size
VideoInsert Video on My PC... Insert Video
VideoInsertFromOnline Video from Web Site... Video from Web Site...
VideoPosterFrameCurrent Current Frame Current Frame
VideoPosterFrameFromFile Image from File... Image from File...
VideoPosterFrameReset Reset Reset
VideoToolsDesignReset Reset Design Reset Design
VideoToolsTrim Trim Video... Trim Video...
ViewFullScreenView Full Screen Toggle Full Screen View
ViewSlideShowReadingView Reading View Reading View
ViewSlideShowView Slide Show Slide Show
ViewVisualBasicCode View Code View Code
VisualBasic Visual Basic Visual Basic
WebGoBack Back Back
WebGoForward Forward Forward
WebOptionsDialog Web Options... Web Options...
WebPagePreview Web Page Preview Web Page Preview
WindowClose Close Close Window
WindowFitToPage Fit to Page Fit Window to Page
WindowMinimize Minimize Minimize Window
WindowMoveSplit Move Split Move Split
WindowNew New Window New Window
WindowRestore Restore Restore Window
WindowsArrangeAll Arrange All Arrange All
WindowsCascade Cascade Cascade Windows
WordArtClear Clear WordArt Clear WordArt
WordArtFormatDialog Format Text Effects... Format Text Effects: Text Box
WordArtVerticalText Vertical Text WordArt Vertical Text
ZoomDialog Zoom... Zoom...
ZoomFitToWindow Fit to Window Fit to Window