PowerPoint - Gallery idMsos

idMsos Description Long Description
ObjectsSelect Select Objects Select Objects
ObjectsUngroup Ungroup Ungroup
OleConvert Convert... Convert...
OleObjectctInsert Object... Object
OpenMeetingNotes Open Shared Meeting Notes Open Shared Meeting Notes
OpenPath Open Path Open Path
OutlineCollapse Collapse Collapse
OutlineCollapseMenu Collapse Collapse
OutlineColorPicker Picture Border Picture Border
OutlineDashesGallery Dashes Dashes
OutlineDemote Demote Demote
OutlineExpand Expand Expand
OutlineExpandAll Expand All Expand All
OutlineExpandMenu Expand Expand
OutlineMoveDown Move Down Move Down
OutlineMoveUp Move Up Move Up
OutlinePromote Promote Promote
OutlineShowTextFormatting Show Text Formatting Show Text Formatting
OutlineThumbnailsShowHide Show Outline Show Outline
OutlineWeightGallery Weight Outline Weight
OutlookTaskCreate Create Microsoft Outlook Task Create Microsoft Outlook Task
PageNext Next Page Page Down
PageOrientationGallery Orientation Change Page Orientation
PageOrientationLandscape Landscape Landscape
PageOrientationPortrait Portrait Portrait
PagePrevious Previous Page Page Up
ParagraphDialog Paragraph... Paragraph Settings
ParagraphDistributed Distributed Distributed
ParagraphMoreColumnsDialog More Columns... More Columns...
Paste Paste Paste
PasteApplyStyle Apply Style Apply Style
PasteAsEmbedded Embed Paste by Embedding
PasteAsHyperlink Paste as Hyperlink Paste as Hyperlink
PasteAsPicture Picture Paste as Picture
PasteBitmap Paste as Bitmap Paste as Bitmap
PasteDestinationTheme Use Destination Theme Paste and Use Destination Theme
PasteDuplicate Duplicate Duplicate
PasteExcelChartDestinationTheme Use Destination Theme & Embed Workbook Paste Chart with Destination Theme and Embed Workbook
PasteExcelChartSourceFormatting Keep Source Formatting & Embed Workbook Paste Chart with Source Formatting and Embed Workbook
PasteExcelTableDestinationTableStyle Use Destination Styles Paste and Use Destination Table Styles
PasteExcelTableSourceFormatting Keep Source Formatting Paste and Keep Table Formatting
PasteGallery Paste Paste
PasteGalleryMini Paste Options Paste Options
PasteInk Ink Paste Ink
PasteLinkedExcelChartDestinationTheme Use Destination Theme & Link Data Paste Chart with Destination Theme and Link Data
PasteLinkedExcelChartSourceFormatting Keep Source Formatting & Link Data Paste Chart with Source Formatting and Link Data
PasteMenu Paste Paste
PasteSourceFormatting Keep Source Formatting Paste and Keep Source Formatting
PasteSpecialDialog Paste Special... Paste Special...
PasteTextOnly Keep Text Only Paste and Keep Text Only
PenAddFavorite Add Current Pen to Favorite Pens Add Current Pen to Favorite Pens
PensGallery Pens Pens
PhotoAlbumEdit Photo Album... Photo Album...
PhotoAlbumInsert New Photo Album... New Photo Album...
PhotoAlbumInsertMenu Photo Album... Photo Album...
PickUpStyle Pick Up Style Pick Up Style
PictureArtisticEffectsGallery Artistic Effects Artistic Effects
PictureArtisticEffectsReset Reset Artistic Effects Reset Artistic Effects
PictureBackgroundRemoval Remove Background Remove Background
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkBackground Mark Areas to Remove Mark Areas to Remove
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkDelete Delete Mark Delete Mark
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkForeground Mark Areas to Keep Mark Areas to Keep
PictureBrightnessAndContrastGallery Brightness & Contrast... Brightness & Contrast...
PictureBrightnessGallery Brightness Brightness
PictureChange Change Picture... Change Picture...
PictureColorDialog Picture Color Options... Picture Color Options
PictureColorMenu Color Color
PictureColorReset Reset Picture Color Reset Picture Color
PictureColorTempertatureGallery Color Tone Color Tone
PictureContrastGallery Contrast Contrast
PictureCorrectionsDialog Picture Corrections Options... Picture Corrections Options
PictureCorrectionsMenu Corrections Corrections
PictureCorrectionsReset Reset Picture Corrections Reset Picture Corrections
PictureCrop Crop Crop
PictureCropAspectRatio16To10 16:10 16:10
PictureCropAspectRatio16To9 16:9 16:9
PictureCropAspectRatio1To1 1:1 1:1
PictureCropAspectRatio2To3 2:3 2:3
PictureCropAspectRatio3To2 3:2 3:2
PictureCropAspectRatio3To4 3:4 3:4
PictureCropAspectRatio3To5 3:5 3:5
PictureCropAspectRatio4To3 4:3 4:3
PictureCropAspectRatio4To5 4:5 4:5
PictureCropAspectRatio5To3 5:3 5:3
PictureCropAspectRatio5To4 5:4 5:4
PictureCropAspectRatioMenu Aspect Ratio Aspect Ratio
PictureCropTools Crop Tools Crop Tools
PictureEdit Edit Picture Edit Picture
PictureEffectsGlowGallery Glow Glow Picture Effect
PictureEffectsMenu Picture Effects Picture Effects
PictureEffectsPresetGallery Preset Preset Picture Effects
PictureEffectsShadowGallery Shadow Shadow Picture Effect
PictureEffectsSoftEdgesGallery Soft Edges Picture Soft Edges
PictureFillCrop Fill Fill
PictureFitCrop Fit Fit
PictureInsertFromFile Pictures... Pictures...
PictureInsertFromFilePowerPoint Pictures... Pictures...
PictureRecolorGallery Recolor Recolor
PictureRecolorMoreColorsDialog More Colors... More Recolor Colors...
PictureReflectionGallery Reflection Picture Reflection
PictureReset Reset Picture Reset Picture
PictureResetAndSize Reset Picture & Size Reset Picture and Size
PictureResetSplitButton Reset Picture Reset Picture
PictureRotationGallery 3-D Rotation 3-D Picture Rotation
PictureSaturationGallery Color Saturation Color Saturation
PicturesCompress Compress Pictures... Compress Pictures...
PicturesConvertToSmartArt Picture Layout Convert to SmartArt Graphic
PictureSetTransparentColor Set Transparent Color Set Transparent Color
PictureShapeGallery Change Shape Crop to Shape
PictureSharpenSoftenGallery Sharpen & Soften Sharpen & Soften
PictureStylesGallery Quick Styles Picture Quick Styles
PlaceholderOrientation Placeholder Orientation Placeholder Orientation
PlaceholderOrientationHorizontal Horizontal Horizontal
PlaceholderOrientationVertical Vertical Vertical
PlaybackTipPlay Speak Speak
PlayInBackground Play in Background Play in Background
PointEraserMedium Medium Eraser Medium Eraser
PointEraserSmall Small Eraser Small Eraser
PowerPointPageSetup Slide Size Slide Size
PowerPointParagraphDialog Paragraph... Paragraph...
PrintOptionsMenu Options Options
PrintPreviewAndPrint Print Preview and Print Print Preview and Print
PrintPreviewClose Close Print Preview Close Print Preview
PrintWhat Print What Print What
PrintWhatLabel Print What: Print What:
PropertySheet Property Sheet Property Sheet
QuickAccessToolbarCustomization Customize Quick Access Toolbar... Customize Quick Access Toolbar...
RecolorColorPicker More Variations More Variations
RecordNarration Start Recording from Beginning... Start Recording from Beginning...
RecordNarrationFromCurrentSlide Start Recording from Current Slide... Start Recording from Current Slide...
RecordSlideShowMenu Record Slide Show Record Slide Show
Redo Redo Redo
RedoOrRepeat Redo Redo
ReflectionGallery Reflection Reflection
ReflectionsMoreOptions Reflection Options... Reflection Options...
ReopenFromServer Reopen Document Reopen Document
ReplaceDialog Replace... Replace...
ReplaceMenu Replace... Replace...
ResearchPane Research... Research...
ReviewCompareAndMerge Compare Compare