PowerPoint - ToggleButtons idMsos

idMsos Description Long Description
AlignCenter Center Center
AlignJustify Justify Justify
AlignJustifyLow Justify Low Justify Low
AlignJustifyThai Distribute Thai Distributed
AlignJustifyWithMixedLanguages Justify Distribute your text evenly between the margins. Justified text gives your document clean, crisp edges so it looks more polished.
AlignLeft Align Left Align Left
AlignRight Align Right Align Right
AnimationAutoPreview AutoPreview Auto Preview
AnimationCustom Animation Pane Animation Pane
BlackAndWhiteAutomatic B & W Automatic B & W Automatic
BlackAndWhiteBlack B & W B & W
BlackAndWhiteBlackWithGrayscaleFill B & W Black with Grayscale Fill B & W Black with Grayscale Fill
BlackAndWhiteBlackWithWhiteFill B & W Black with White Fill B & W Black with White Fill
BlackAndWhiteDontShow B & W Don't Show B & W Don't Show
BlackAndWhiteGrayscale B & W Grayscale B & W Grayscale
BlackAndWhiteGrayWithWhiteFill B & W Gray with White Fill B & W Gray with White Fill
BlackAndWhiteInverseGrayscale B & W Inverse Grayscale B & W Inverse Grayscale
BlackAndWhiteLightGrayscale B & W Light Grayscale B & W Light Grayscale
BlackAndWhiteWhite B & W White B & W White
Bold Bold Bold
BorderBottom Bottom Border Toggle Bottom Border
BorderDiagonalDown Diagonal Down Border Diagonal Down Border
BorderDiagonalUp Diagonal Up Border Diagonal Up Border
BorderInside Inside Borders Inside Borders
BorderInsideHorizontal Inside Horizontal Border Inside Horizontal Border
BorderInsideVertical Inside Vertical Border Inside Vertical Border
BorderLeft Left Border Toggle Left Border
BorderNone No Border No Border
BorderOutside Outside Borders Outside Borders
BorderRight Right Border Toggle Right Border
BordersAll All Borders All Borders
BorderTop Top Border Toggle Top Border
ClipArtInsert Clip Art... Clip Art...
ClosePath Close Path Close Path
CombineCharacters Yoko-Gumi Combine Characters
CommentsPane Comments Pane Comments Pane
CommentsPaneSplitButton Comments Pane Show Comments
CornerVertex Corner Point Corner Point
CurrentEraser Eraser Eraser
DiagrammingOnline Convert to Shapes Convert to Shapes
EquationNormalText Normal Text Normal Text
FileDocumentEncrypt Encrypt Document Encrypt Document
FileMarkAsFinal Mark as Final Mark as Final
FilePermissionDoNotDistribute Restricted Access Restricted Access
FilePermissionUnrestricted Unrestricted Access Unrestricted Access
FilePrintPreview Print Preview Print Preview
FileProperties Properties Properties
FileViewDigitalSignatures View Signatures View Signatures
HideRibbon Hide the Ribbon Hide the Ribbon
InkBallpointPen Pen Pen
InkEraser Stroke Eraser Stroke Eraser
InkFeltTipPen Felt Tip Pen Felt Tip Pen
InkHighlighter Highlighter Highlighter
Italic Italic Italic
LassoSelect Lasso Select Lasso Select
MinimizeRibbon Collapse the Ribbon Collapse the Ribbon (Ctrl+F1)
MiniTranslator Mini Translator Mini Translator
NoAudioStyle No Style No Style
ObjectEditPoints Edit Points Edit Points
ObjectsAlignRelativeToContainerSmart Align to Slide Align to Slide
ObjectsAlignSelectedSmart Align Selected Objects Align Selected Objects
ObjectsSelect Select Objects Select Objects
OpenPath Open Path Open Path
OutlineShowTextFormatting Show Text Formatting Show Text Formatting
PageOrientationLandscape Landscape Landscape
PageOrientationPortrait Portrait Portrait
ParagraphDistributed Distributed Distributed
PictureBackgroundRemoval Remove Background Remove Background
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkBackground Mark Areas to Remove Mark Areas to Remove
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkDelete Delete Mark Delete Mark
PictureBackgroundRemovalMarkForeground Mark Areas to Keep Mark Areas to Keep
PictureCrop Crop Crop
PictureSetTransparentColor Set Transparent Color Set Transparent Color
PlaceholderOrientationHorizontal Horizontal Horizontal
PlaceholderOrientationVertical Vertical Vertical
PlayInBackground Play in Background Play in Background
PointEraserMedium Medium Eraser Medium Eraser
PointEraserSmall Small Eraser Small Eraser
ResearchPane Research... Research...
ReviewReviewingPanePowerPoint Reviewing Pane Reviewing Pane
ReviewShowAllChanges Show All Changes Show All Changes
ReviewShowOnlyConflicts Show Only Conflicts Show Only Conflicts
ReviewShowOrHideMarkup Show Markup Show Markup
SelectionPane Selection Pane... Display the Selection Pane
Shadow Shadow Text Shadow
ShapeArc Arc Arc
ShapeConnectorStyleCurved Curved Connector Curved Connector
ShapeConnectorStyleElbow Elbow Connector Elbow Connector
ShapeConnectorStyleStraight Straight Connector Straight Connector
ShapeDownArrow Down Arrow Down Arrow
ShapeElbowConnector Elbow Connector Elbow Connector
ShapeElbowConnectorArrow Elbow Arrow Connector Elbow Arrow Connector
ShapeIsoscelesTriangle Isosceles Triangle Isosceles Triangle
ShapeLeftBrace Left Brace Left Brace
ShapeOval Oval Oval
ShapeRectangle Rectangle Rectangle
ShapeRerouteConnectors Reroute Connectors Reroute Connectors
ShapeRightArrow Right Arrow Right Arrow
ShapeRightBrace Right Brace Right Brace
ShapeRoundedRectangle Rounded Rectangle Rounded Rectangle
ShapeRoundedRectangularCallout Rounded Rectangular Callout Rounded Rectangular Callout
ShapeStar 5-Point Star 5-Point Star
ShapeStraightConnector Straight Connector Straight Connector
ShapeStraightConnectorArrow Straight Arrow Connector Straight Arrow Connector
ShowNotes Notes Notes Pane
SlideHide Hide Slide Hide Slide
SlideMasterPreserveMaster Preserve Master Preserve Master
SlidesPerPage1Slide 1 Slide 1 Slide
SlidesPerPage2Slides 2 Slides 2 Slides
SlidesPerPage3Slides 3 Slides 3 Slides
SlidesPerPage4Slides 4 Slides 4 Slides
SlidesPerPage6Slides 6 Slides 6 Slides
SlidesPerPage9Slides 9 Slides 9 Slides
SlidesPerPageSlideOutline Slide Outline Slide Outline
SlidesReuseSlides Reuse Slides... Reuse Slides...
SmartArtEditIn2D Edit in 2-D Edit in 2-D
SmartArtRecolorImages Recolor Pictures in SmartArt Graphic Recolor Pictures in SmartArt Graphic
SmartArtRightToLeft Right to Left Right to Left
SmartArtTextPane Text Pane Text Pane
SmoothVertex Smooth Point Smooth Point
SnapToGrid Snap to Grid Snap to Grid
SnapToShapes Snap to Shape Snap to Shape
StraightVertex Straight Point Straight Point
Strikethrough Strikethrough Strikethrough
Subscript Subscript Subscript
Superscript Superscript Superscript
TableCellAlignBottom Align Bottom Align Bottom
TableCellAlignCenterVertically Center Vertically Center Vertically
TableCellAlignTop Align Top Align Top
TableDrawTable Draw Table Draw Table
TableEraser Eraser Table Eraser
TableSetLeftToRight Set Left-to-Right Table Set Left-to-Right Table
TableSetRightToLeft Set Right-to-Left Table Set Right-to-Left Table
TableShowGridlines View Gridlines View Table Gridlines
TextBoxInsert Text Box Draw a Text Box
TextBoxInsertHorizontal Horizontal Text Box Draw Horizontal Text Box
TextBoxInsertVertical Vertical Text Box Draw Vertical Text Box
TextDirectionLeftToRight Left-to-Right Left-to-Right Text Direction
TextDirectionRightToLeft Right-to-Left Right-to-Left Text Direction
TransitionSoundLoopUntilNextSound Loop Until Next Sound Loop Until Next Sound
Underline Underline Underline
VideoCrop Crop Crop
ViewBackToColorView Back To Color View Back To Color View
ViewDirectionLeftToRight Left-to-Right Left-to-Right
ViewDirectionRightToLeft Right-to-Left Right-to-Left
ViewDisplayInColor Color Color
ViewDisplayInGrayscale Grayscale Grayscale
ViewDisplayInHighContrast High Contrast High Contrast
ViewDisplayInPureBlackAndWhite Black and White Black and White
ViewHandoutMasterView Handout Master Handout Master View
ViewNotesMasterView Notes Master View Notes Master
ViewNotesPageView Notes Page Notes Page View
ViewOutlineView Outline Outline View
ViewOutlineViewPowerPoint Outline View Outline View
ViewSlideMasterView Slide Master Slide Master View
ViewSlideSorterView Slide Sorter Slide Sorter View
ViewSlideView Slide Slide View
ViewThumbnailViewPowerPoint Normal Normal View
WindowMoreWindowsDialog More Windows... More Windows...